Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to get through the H1N1 shots

Today we went in for the H1N1 shot. As a mother of four, there are a couple techniques that I've learned to survive the shot process.
1. Don't bring daddy :) He doesn't like seeing the kids suffer or be in pain. He will be the one who stays up all night watching a sick kid to make sure they are breathing. However, getting shots is just very difficult for him.
2. Have a game-plan, don't talk too much about it... but inform as needed.
3. Bring treats for right after the shot to distract them. This works especially well for the 1-3 yr old range who will completely forget that they just were crying once that chocolate hits their tongue.
4. Get it over with!!!! No sense in spending time and energy delaying the process. It's all about the assembly line. Pick one... help hold them down, make them look away... give them a treat. Move on to the next. The older ones will already be freaking out once they've seen the others cry. So, the faster the process, the less time they have to dread it.
5. Bring a bucket for the one that always throws up when she has a shot. [I forgot this... now I'm bringing one!]

It was successful, we all survived.
When we were done, the nurse thanked me and told me that I was extremely helpful. She thanked me over and over because I made the whole process go so much easier. We were in and out in 5 minutes... 4 children... 5 minutes. Yes, that's what's called assembly line style! No wasting time. I can hold their hands and sympathize while we're walking into the elevator. However, when the next kid is waiting for their turn and every moment the dread is pushing down on their little minds, there is no time to waste. So, the candy works pretty well and I simply move on, knowing that I can attend to all their needs once we're all done.

Sophia told me that I need to get a flu shot too... I think it's sort of her way of asking that I feel her pain and/or some sort of pay-back. I agreed that I would as soon as they let me.

1 comment:

  1. We got ours too! I though my hubby was going to pass out haha. I found you through the mom blogs. I am a MN Mama too! Nice to meet you :)

