Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Writing the number 5

Today I realized that I learned how to write the number five wrong. Yes, I know this revelation might be possibly the most exciting thing you've read today, and you will most likely continue to think about it all day because quite honestly it is quite astounding. Alas, I was stunned as I was teaching Bella her math lesson, when I read the directions for writing the number 5. [Note: 1st grade Saxon Math begins with fairly easy concepts and one concept is writing the numbers again.]

Here is how she is supposed to write it:

Start at the top of the handwriting paper and go down halfway then over and around... then pick your pencil up and start at the top of the part that you just wrote and make the cross part. I know the book is much more eloquent in how they describe the writing of the number 5, but as I sit here this evening I don't really want to get it out and write it exactly. So, if you can picture how you write the number by my description, you are set.

I always have written the number 5 without picking up my pencil and thus starting on the right hand side of the number, going across, then down, then around.

As I discussed this difference with my husband we considered the fact that many children write their 5's backwards. In addition, sometimes 5's turn into a strange sort of S. Then, when we are called upon to write both numbers and letters in conjunction, it might become confusing. Thus, although the writing of the number 5 with this new way of doing it might take a little longer, it also will eliminate the confusions.

hmmm.... I wonder what else I may have learned "wrong".
So, seriously this was quite possibly the most important revelation of the day and I'm quite content with that. Homeschooling is becoming kind of enjoyable... even if what we might be learning surrounds writing numbers.
How do you write your number 5?

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness...I write the number 5 the "right" way! ;)
    I don't know about all of the other numbers though. :)
