Sunday, September 13, 2009

Canning Satisfaction

There is something so completely satisfying about canning. I'm not sure if it's simply because it takes us back to our roots or because you see the results as you work. Regardless, I've quite enjoyed this project in a special way. My family has a big tradition of canning. My dad makes salsa every year and I've seen my fare share of pickles, sauces, jellies, and jams processed in my childhood home. So, as we embarked on this journey, I found myself remembering those days of chopping and processing salsa.
In addition, it is extremely satisfying to have a project that my husband and I worked together on. We would have our jars all set up and warm. Then, as my husband would stir the pot and time the jelly, I would prep everything else. We work together very well together and soon we had a sort of rhythm to this entire process. Of course, there was occasionally a little call to take the little man to the bathroom, but for the most part today went off without a hitch.
So, here I am completely relaxed after all our hard work with our jars sitting on the kitchen table overnight.
We've made applesauce, apple butter, sugar-free apple butter, pepper jelly, wild-plum jelly, and plum-apple jelly.... and today we completed: more applesauce, blackberry applesauce, Habenero Jelly, Thai red pepper/habenero/red fresno pepper jelly, and one that is filled with the seeds. Hopefully the last one will knock my dad's socks off. [He loves hot stuff- which I believe might be because his sense of taste is almost entirely gone- but regardless he likes everything HOT.]

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