Sunday, September 20, 2009

Graduation Rant

To the lady sitting behind the keynote speaker at my graduation ceremony:

This was a ceremony for the families of students/graduates who have worked hard for their degrees. If you disagree with the politics of the keynote speaker of a graduation, suck it up! Seriously, the eye-rolling was obnoxious! I cannot believe you would have the gall to roll your eyes and make faces as a professor of a college. How professional does that make you? Are you that petty?
The speaker did not have anything political to say as this was not a place for politics. He kept his words within the bounds of a normal commencement speech, why couldn't you keep your juvenile eye-rolling to yourself? Do you think that the audience that is forced to watch you on the stage will suddenly disagree with the keynote's politics because you chose to act like a 4 year old? What did you accomplish by your actions?
I hope that there is more respect for the office of our elected officials in a professional and academic setting. I hope I never get you for a professor in my upcoming classes for my next degree. I have lost all respect for you by watching the 5 minute eye-rolling and face-making session. Get over yourself... get over your politics... this was not the appropriate time.

1 comment:

  1. it's too bad you had a buzz kill at the graduation. People like that suck. Congratulations on you wonderful achievement.
